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Baitarani Initiative is an attempt to optimize use of knowledge, research, and innovation in the development process. This civil society initiative has emerged from an action research project in 2006, which for the first time in India tried to proactively explore options for futuristic and inclusive resources management in a river basin of Odisha (

Welcome to Baitarani Initiative

Baitarani Initiative is a non government and non-profit organisation registered in 2010,
working around socio-ecological livelihood and sustainable natural resource management and governance.


Secured Livelihoods with Dignity and Justice Enhanced Environmental Resilience Especially of the Vulnerable Communities and Ecosystems at Margin.


Through Analytical, Inter-disciplinary, Action and Policy Research and Knowledge-based Innovations and Initiatives, Enable Access to Right Information and Enhance Stakeholder Voices and Choices

Core Values

  • Establishment of participatory & gender focused(through women SHG) medicinal plant product micro-enterprise model with proper regeneration, harvesting, primary processing & forward market linkage.
  • We have expertise on biodiversity study on scientific approach change to “We have expertise on scientific approach biodiversity study”
  • Good hold on study implementation of CSR activities change to “Good hold on study and implementation”.
  • Expose to different study, data collection & analysis work.
  • Computer Assistance Program Interview(CAPI) change to “Expertise in developing Computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) base questionnaire for different study work.
  • Natural Resource based livelihood activities one of the core competency area of our organisation.